


Business Oriented


Data Driven

About our Company

Manage Data … Drive the Change

IDC is a leading information technology and digital solutions provider
headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, helping organizations
across the Middle East and Africa to govern, manage and transform
the enterprise data to support and empower the different business
objectives, data management, data governance and digital transfor-
mation programs.

IDC has been founded with a complete focus and specialization in
data management solutions, services, and consultancy …..

Our Solutions

IDC has a complete focus and
specialization in data management
solutions, services, and consultancy
covering the wide spectrum of
technologies, platforms, and products
required to govern and manage the
enterprise data assets.


Data Governance

Data governance is a collection of pro-

cesses, roles, policies, standards, and met

-rics that ensure the effective and efficient

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Master Data Management “MDM”

Master data represents the critical master

business entities scattered across the

organization different systems like custom

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Data Quality

Data Quality program is a continuous

process of data profiling, cleansing, stand-

ardization and monitoring to make sure

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Data Lake & Big Data

Data lake is a key component of a

modern data management strategy.

Data lakes unlock the full potential of the

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Our Customers

DC has been chosen by customers from different industries across the region to be the trusted partner for their data management and data governance journey.

Our Partners